Oct 25, 2008

New Look...

Look at our cute new blog! Finally I found out how to customize the background. I promise I will now be updating it often. Especially since Our baby is due in only 10 DAYS. holy cow!


kerraandrichard said...

YAY! Good job, you figured it out!! I will uphold you to that promise of updating. Dinner was fun on Friday, we need to go it again! Or maybe the next time we can have you guys over since it will be hard to go to dinner with a newborn and a busy 6 month old! First we need to move though. I am anxious for your baby so him and Phoenix can be friends. Do you have a name?

John and Maren Williams said...

this looks just like my wedding...haha green, black, white and damask! haha and look at your cute belly

The Oldroyd's said...

YAY! only 10 more days? That is so exciting. It was a great experience. Too bad we weren't in the hospital together like we planned.

John and Maren Williams said...

Planning on trying to get everyone together at once...we will see what happens